Depression and anxiety can be fuelled by unhelpful beliefs we have about ourselves. Those unhelpful beliefs can have an Impact on how we view the world. For example, if you believed you weren’t as good as other people how might that impact on you at home? At work? In relationships?
If we have healthy beliefs about ourselves it’s most likely we will be able to cope with negative events more positively. Low self esteem can lead to anxiety and depression and get in the way of us achieving our goals.
I attended an exciting training event that supports this notion. Dr Melanie Fennell led the two day workshop. Melanie is a published expert in the field of psychotherapy.
If you think your self esteem could being impacting on your life negatively please telephone me for an informal chat on 07432 705703 or contact me via my email. I will be pleased to discuss with you if CBT is the right treatment for you
It’s important for your therapist to keep up to date with the latest research. As part of my accreditation requirement I attend a minimum of thirty hours of continuing professional development.